
user manual

The manual guides the usage of ROS packages for the XGO-E navigation kit.

ROS package backup location:  https://file.hexmove.cn/f/b1482fc3f5fe40eb8598/

File Locations And Functions

/home/hexman/cartographer_ws  cartographer source file location

/home/hexman/orbbec_ws 摄像头驱动位置

/home/hexman/test_ws/src 所有自动驾驶相关文件位置

--/base 底盘驱动文件

--/modules 雷达驱动文件

--/urdf 底盘urdf文件

--/nav 导航配置文件

    --/src_xpkg_multigoal_plugin    rvizUI插件

    --/xpkg_cartographer/config     cartographer配置文件 

--/bringup  demo的启动文件

    --/xpkg_bringup/bringup_camera 摄像头demo

    --/xpkg_bringup/bringup_lidar 雷达demo

    --/xpkg_bringup/bringup_light 灯光控制demo

--/xpkg_bringup/bringup_vehicle 底盘控制demo

    --/xpkg_bringup/bringup_nav 导航demo

           --/maps 地图保存位置

           --/launch/localization/cartographer 建图launch文件

           --/launch/planning/move_base 导航launch文件

           --/config/mark2_mcnm/cartographer  movebase配置文件

The standard Procedure

1.     Turn off the remote controller or switch to CAN control mode (please refer to the chassis user manual).

2.    Terminal input: roslaunch xpkg_bringup bringup_cartographer_map.launch

3.     Control movement using the arrow keys on the keyboard in the terminal. Keyboard control has been limited for speed.

4.     To save the map, run the following command in a new terminal: rosrun xpkg_cartographer save_map.sh. After saving the map, close all terminals.

5.     Run the following command in a new terminal: roslaunch xpkg_bringup bringup_nav_mark2_mcnm.launch.

6.     Plan path points and start navigation using the RViz plugin.(Rviz Plugin usage tutorial