
xpkg_carrier Interface Description

Payload Carrier Interface

Public APIs


Topic Msg Type Description
/carrier_state nav_msgs/Odometry Publish current carrier state


Topic Msg Type Description
/carrier_cmd_vel geometry_msgs/TwistStamped Subscribe to target carrier velocity
/carrier_cmd_pos geometry_msgs/PoseStamped Subscribe to target carrier pose


Name Data Type Description
carrier_limit_vel_z double The limitation of the speed, for both rising and falling. The unit is meters per second ($m/s$)

Detailed Description


This topic publishes the current state of the payload carrier.

  • Type: nav_msgs/Odometry
    std_msgs/Header header
        uint32 seq
        time stamp
        string frame_id
    string child_frame_id
    geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance pose
        geometry_msgs/Pose pose
            geometry_msgs/Point position
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
            geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
                float64 w
        float64[36] covariance
    geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovariance twist
        geometry_msgs/Twist twist
            geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
            geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
        float64[36] covariance
  • Usage:
    • header
      • stamp is the timestamp of the message
      • frame_id is the base link of the chassis, typically base_link
    • child_frame_id
      • The name of the base link of the carrier, typically carrier_link
    • pose
      • The current pose of the carrier
      • The pose.pose.position.z indicates the height of the carrier
      • Unit: meters ($m$)
    • twist
      • The current velocity of the carrier
      • The twist.twist.linear.z indicates the rising speed of the carrier
      • Unit: meters per second ($m/s$)
  • Example:
    msg_time = msg.header.stamp.to_sec()
    height = msg.pose.pose.position.z
    rising_speed = msg.twist.twist.linear.z
    print(f"The height at {msg_time} is {height}.")
    print(f"The rising speed at {msg_time} is {rising_speed}.")


This topic receives the target velocity of the payload carrier.

  • Type: geometry_msgs/TwistStamped
    std_msgs/Header header
        uint32 seq
        time stamp
        string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
        geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
            float64 x
            float64 y
            float64 z
        geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
            float64 x
            float64 y
            float64 z
  • Usage:
    • header
      • stamp is the timestamp of the message
      • frame_id is the base link of the chassis, typically base_link
    • twist
      • The target velocity of the carrier (only for velocity control mode)
      • The twist.linear.z indicates the rising speed of the carrier (negative values indicate falling)
      • Unit: meters per second ($m/s$)
  • Example:
    msg = geometry_msgs.msg.TwistStamped()
    msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    msg.header.frame_id = "base_link"
    msg.twist.linear.z = 0.2


This topic receives the target pose of the payload carrier.

  • Type: geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
    std_msgs/Header header
        uint32 seq
        time stamp
        string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose
        geometry_msgs/Point position
            float64 x
            float64 y
            float64 z
        geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
            float64 x
            float64 y
            float64 z
            float64 w
  • Usage:
    • header
      • stamp is the timestamp of the message
      • frame_id is the base link of the chassis, typically base_link
    • pose
      • The target pose of the carrier (only for position control mode)
      • The pose.position.z indicates the height of the carrier
      • Unit: meters ($m$)
  • Example:
    msg = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped()
    msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    msg.header.frame_id = "base_link"
    msg.pose.position.z = 0.2